Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Shot, Shot, Shot, Shot...

...and I don't mean the song by LMFAO. This is strange because I used to LOVE this song just about a year ago. Going to the bars with my girlfriends, this song would be the one we just needed the D.J. to play.

Not anymore. Now the shots are for the lil' guy in my life. Yesterday he got 2 in 1 leg, 1 in the other, and 1 oral liquid. FOUR! Going into the appointment I was really nervous. I wanted to keep my composure. I didn't want to cry. Nate needed the shots and he could handle them....but could I?

At the beginning of the appointment, it's all developmental questions: how is he sleeping, holding his held up, bowel movements? Checked his weight (12lbs, 14 oz) and length (22 inches). Everything is all good to go and then it's shot time! They should give the moms actual shot to calm them down a little. Lemon drop, perhaps?

He took the liquid great! Seemed like he actually wanted more, but that could be because he loves to eat. Then the 3 pokes came. A quick second to realize he was in pain and the crying began. Nate was crying and I got teary eyed, but no tears actually came out. SUCCESS!

I picked him up, nursed him, and he fell asleep right away. So proud of him. It went way better than I expected. If you know me at all, you know I love McDonald's. I rewarded myself by going through the drive-thru to get my usual. Got home and Nate slept a little while longer. No fever...just a little fussy and wanted to be held. I had no problem with that. I think I needed to be held, too.

Poor little leg! 

Next appointment isn't for another couple months. Phew! 

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