Thursday, January 10, 2013

I heart Jason.

Sometimes, well most of the time, I heart Jason. Sometimes I think I don't tell him enough how much he means to me. So today's post is a tribute to my awesome husband. 

First picture taken together (2005)


Why today? Last night he was EXTRA awesome! He came early because he didn't have to go to a work dinner. Early meaning 5:30. :)  He made dinner and did the dishes. We watched The Challenge. He did his burpees while I put Nathan to sleep (the lil' stubborn guy takes forever!) Then we have our 30 minute nightly chat before we head off to Sleepytown. These 30 minutes are one of my favorite times with him. We do it almost every night. It may be a serious topic, completely random, or just our day if we didn't have time earlier.

Last night it was about me. And me not doing my 100 squats for the night. I was tired, Nathan finally drifted off, and I was all cuddled up and warm. To be honest, I wasn't going to tell him...but he asked. DAMN IT! I couldn't lie. He told me to just get up and do 10. Ugh, I really didn't want to. I told him I was tired. He said just get up and do 10. I got up. I did the 100 (no that's not an extra zero). It only took me a couple minutes and after I was happy I did them. I have Jason to thank for that. Then he said this...

"That was impressive. Jenn from 3 years ago would've said, 'No, I'm not doing them. Go to sleep.' You have really become a better person in the past 3 years and it has been amazing to watch".

Whoa! Compliment of the century! He didn't know last night (but will now) that I actually shed a tear after he fell asleep. Maybe it's the hormones, but I'm more emotional now, too. WTF!? It was the sweetest thing to say and the fact that he has noticed a change for the better just says how attentive and amazing he is. 

Here are a couple things I love about Jason:
1. Funny (dry humor and sarcastic).
2. Logical.
3. Open-minded.
4. Great cook- and willing to cook when he can. Usually Saturday, Sunday, and maybe a crockpot meal during the week.
5. Stuffs diapers with me and/or by himself.
6. Knows how to fix so many things! And if he doesn't, he will figure it out.
7. Works out and eats healthy. I would be 200lbs without him. 
8. Frugal/Financially intelligent. 
9. Hard-working. 
10. Supportive.
11. Loves to learn.
12. Loves being active and outdoors.
13. Takes care of Nathan. He can make that kid burp better than anyone. :)
14. Organized. Excel is his bitch.
15. Loving. 

These are just a few of his best qualities and why I am so lucky to call this man my best friend and husband. Thank you, Jason for all you do.

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