Sunday, November 18, 2012

Week One is Done!

Seven days has already passed since Nathan has entered our lives. It has been the most amazing, loving, educational, and fun week. Nathan has been a very laid back baby (so far and knock on wood) which has made the transition into mommyhood fairly easy. Thank you, son. Mommy appreciates it more than you know. So what has been going on this week...?

Things I LOVE:
1. His little snorts when he gets hungry
2. Baby yawns
3. Baby farts. They are seriously the funniest thing EVER!
4. Cuddles on my chest
5. The way Jason talks to him
6. The way Jason asks every morning how my night was and says I am doing a great job.
7. Taking pictures of Nate.

The not so fun stuff:
1. When I am changing his diaper and he decides he would rather pee on the blinds.
2. Being awake from 10pm-1am. Right when it is time to go to bed, he wants to be super alert and awake.
3. Sleeping on the couch instead of my bed so Jason can get some sleep.

There are WAY more things I love and even the not so fun stuff isn't that bad. I wouldn't trade it for the world.

We also went on our first outing. Daddy needed some wood from Lowes for a project he is doing and I needed a couple of things from Target, so off we went. He slept the entire time!

One week old and I know there are just so many more fun memories in the making.

Hope everyone has had a great week like the Kappes family has.
Next big events: Thanksgiving and Grandma Teresa comes to visit in a week!

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